The University of Arizona
Tour: viewSingle Sequence Table
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viewSingleTCW - View and Query Single Species
Start | Sequence Table | Sequence Detail | Basic Sequence | AnnoDB Hits | GO Annotations | Pairs

Sequence Details
Details | Frame | Align | GO

The Sequence Detail view can be displayed from the Sequence Table by selecting a sequence followed by View Selected Sequence.


The following image is an example of the detail page.
Second row of options:
  • The Counts pull-down can change the Counts to TPM or Replicates.
  • The All hits can be changed to display only Best Hit, Best per AnnoDB, Unique Species, Distinct Regions.
  • The Copy... and Export... options are shown on the right.


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The Start and Stop are highlighted in Green. The location of the best hit is shown in italics, where it forms a perfect ORF in this example. The sequence can be shown in alternative frames using the Frame pull-down.

By default, the Assigned ORF will be shown, but can be changed with the Frame pull-down.

The TCW algorithm uses hit information, 5th-order Markov score, and start/stop codons to compute the best frame.

Align Hits...

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There are options to show:

  • Best Hits
  • DB Hits: Selected Hits
  • DB Hits: Selected hits in all frames

Dynamic programming is used to compute the alignment. The Hit: numbers are from the search program (BLAST or DIAMOND), along with the blue highlighted region. The yellow highlight is the UTRs computed by TCW.

Selecting a hit followed by Align... shows a multi-line sequence view.


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The image on the right shows the union of the GO terms for sequence Nn_14440.

Most of the columns are obvious, except the following two:

Level: A GO term can be at multiple levels in the tree. This number is its maximum level.

#:EvC: This shows evidence code for the protein being assigned the GO term. The number before an Evidence code is the number of hits that were assigned to the GO with the corresponding evidence.

Selecting a GO term followed by Show... Seq Hits - Assigned provides details of the hits that are assigned the GO.
Selecting a GO term followed by Show... GO - Neighbors provides the list of the GO's parent and children.
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